Wednesday, April 26, 2006

IT Training

What to do for 20-30 minutes whilst one's students are busily surfing away on the proscribed sites - BBC Webwise very good for learnign how to use the PC, V&A - very good for buying postcards and seeing Modernist things - until regulation tea time comes? Blog away.

The lack of bloggin - reflected in the lesser bloggings of the Cat, the Shark and the Laydee - might suggest a lack of life. Au contraire, life is full to bursting with change and uncertainty.

Today, I think, is Wednesday and I am at work, helping 20 members of staff understand selling membership, evacuating lifts, using computers and the latest exhibition on Modernism. All in an afternoon.

The family is still, I assume, in Tel Aviv, where the suns shines, the food is cheap and all the women are beautiful and all the men manly.

I have a bottle of red wine, some chilli and tomato sauce, some brie and some pasta for tonight.

THis much I know. The question is how do I know what I know - more anon

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The view from abroad

It seems somewhat absurd to be watching Arsenal v. Juventus with the sound down (for the sake of the sleeping kids) on the Hebrew commentation, whilst I shoudl be getting on with my thoughts on what I understand "organisation: to mean.

It is pissing down in Tel Aviv. I sort of got chucked out the flat this mrongin to wander aimlessly with the kids through Shenkin Street - a sort of cross between Camden Lock and Neal Street, without the stalls but with plenty of shoe shops and street cafes. In the end we got caught in the rain along Hemelech George (King George, named after Queen Elizabeth's Dad - strangely many of Tel Aviv's streets are named after British characters whom only appear as footnotes and statues in Whitehall). We ended up at the Dizengoff Shopping Centre - don't know who Dizengoff was, but weren't British that's for sure.

To placate a screaming Thom we had to buy a Hot Wheels set - which has gone down a treat and I am looking forward to adding to over the next few years. It has a certain dynamism that Brio train sets, nice though they are and good as a primer for civil transport system planning and desgin, just don't have.

Time for another chucking out - my host needs the computer and as I have already broken one tea cup today, I think I shoudl comply.

To bed and Paul Watzlawick's "Change: probem formulation and problem solution"
