Friday, March 03, 2006

Before I chant...

... just thought I'd let you know thqat the beard and tache have gone. Ashridge Business SChool filmed me , my boss and the V&A for thier corporate video - coming to a website near you in the next month or so. At the time I was clean shaven. Since I'm going up there on Thursday to what I tell Thom is Daddy's School with sleepovers, the film team want some more "GVs". SO for continuity's sake, I've had to trim the foliage.

I've also given up booze for Lent, with the exceptions of Tuesday's pub quiz and the days (and nights) I'm at Ashridge. There is a dinner with the faculty on Thursday where the wine will flow and as I am paying for it out of my fees, I thought it would be a waste not to partake.

The Shark is in town and is probably living the life of a Dullhill Hernewich with Catster and Laydee Codename (who's other half (the top one) is pretty impressive) throughout South London. Being teetotal and beset by kids (now asleep), am stuck at home. The missus is out being a buddhist with other laydees of that persuasion, and hopefully has ended up in the pub. Something she needs to do more often.

Well time for chanting


Blogger Lizzy said...

Still chanting?????


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