Monday, October 17, 2005

D Day

And So Sunday passed in its now normal manner, aside from the dash to Liverpool Street with Sis in law trying to catch her flight back to Israel and the kid-strewn birthday party of a lovely art dealing friend in one of those new developments in Deptford = cf as I believe Lilian Bellamy's nefarious son James had invested money in one of the blocks overlooking their place = morning at Synagogue where the missus teaches Hebrew to the kids, then Dulwich Park for more 2-3 wheel adventures for Thom as he prepares for manhood and a 4th birthday and Gal develops her stunt baby credential by going head first down slides whilst her mother screams.

But now 'tis Monday... And the boss is being interviewed today for the big job. Fingers are crossed across the world.

Keep yours crossed too...

... More anon.


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